Providing irrigation water in the Missoula area

Service Area

The Orchard Homes ditch provides irrigation water to users generally west of California Street, North of 3rd Street, South of the Clark Fork River and east of Hiberta Street. Outside of this area you're likely part of the Missoula Irrigation District.

You can you use the map to search for your address. If you live within the red shaded area you're are part of the Orchard Homes Ditch irrigation district. If you're outside the red shaded area then you're likely in the Missoula Irrigation District and need to contact them with any questions.

About Us

Orchard Homes Ditch Company was established in 1906 and owns and maintains ditches from our main intake near Brennan's Wave on the Clark Fork River west to just past Short St. The ditch is one of a series of irrigation ditches throughout the Missoula valley with the purpose to provide irrigation water. The ditch irrigates commercial nurseries, the River Road Community Garden, Silver's Lagoon, and many private yards and gardens.

Contact Us

P. O. Box 5402
Missoula, MT 59806

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